Jergens: Lotion For All Skin Types

At St. Joseph Media I often assisted the sales team with different mock up designs to pitch to companies for ad designs. Jergens was interested in creating an editorial spread that shows how moms everywhere use Jergens. They also wanted to create a launch campaign for their new BB Body Cream that was available in two shades.

Given this information, I was able to create a mock spread titled "the difference is SKIN DEEP". This spread is full of testimonials from moms at typical places such as the market, the yoga studio, and the cafe. For this project I had to create the layout, the copy, find and edit images, and have it ready within a few hours.

For the Beautiful Skin one page ad, I knew that BB creams were becoming the latest trend and Jergens was one of the first coming out with different shades of BB creams. I also wanted to show the plethora of benefits this cream provides soI designed the bottle to fit a list of the benefits within the bottle.